In the early ideas blossomAs we inaugurate The Hive, with this edition of the Buzz, we ask that you consider a new paradigm for how women function in business, how that model might be more conducive to collective growth versus the sting of competition. What are some of the words you think about when you think of business? Take a moment and sit if you will and close your eyes, what are the first words that come up in your mind's eye? Again our key word is... BUSINESS Were you surprised by the words? What were they? Leave your comments below we would love to us understand the overall mindset. For myself the words that came up were, strategy, focus, drive, ambition, pointed. Other words from that past that have cropped up were competition, mindset, motivated, on top, Queen Bee. How do the words you wrote, and the words I wrote resonate with you? What feelings come up albeit, sticky, icky, excited, impressed, concerned, hate, disgust, wonder? Choose each word hold it there for a moment...and feel it. Take a moment and jot that down. Creating New TermsAs we enter this new time period, we are in a new century, in fact, almost a quarter of a way into it, some of the women in our Red Tent Group, were born just at the start of it...some, even a decade after...It's time to change the labels on business. Try these out for a moment...Conscious collective, collaborative, creative, compassionate, alliance, circular, co-creation, sisterhood, brotherhood, humanity, team, strength, unity, organic, educational, assistance, loving, honest, mutual, consensus, consent, ascent... are you getting the picture? As we begin our business journey together, we would like to welcome you each week to a business woman's spotlight, a way to honor and uplift each other. A few words that do not belong here. Jealousy--Envy (old paradigm) so let's kick them out the door. The other words, would be competition, comparing self to others, throwing under the bus, slander, gossip, and all the other mean girl things we learned from that long ago movie...WE ARE A CIRCLE of Collaborators---Let's Do this THING! Creative Spaces, Kindred Faces- interview of an artist Jacqueline MayWednesday - March 22, 2023 I had the pleasure recently to speak with and begin to gain connection with a tremendous woman, mother, homeschooler, and artist. We met in person for the first time, through a blessing of our Red Tent Lodge at Sandpiper Cove, later in the angel garden of our next project a physical folk school talking about life and homeschooling and again today, do I find myself and my inner child coming alive in her Maker’s Space! First off Jacqueline is a mother of two, two beautiful two-spirit children by the name of Max and Zack. She lives in a beautiful little home near a little lake with its fairy tale like charm she's managed to create a home for her and her children that is whimsical as it is functional she will be shortly however be moving and joining our Ocean View community as she leaves this beautiful cottage to start her new adventures nearer the power and the beauty of the Chesapeake Bay. First off, where to start, how to describe Jackie in a way that best shows the immensity of who she is for she is a powerhouse, to say the least. I was very amazed at her artistic essence and just the natural creative power that is Jackie. Standing in her studio, I was impressed and just elated, as my inner child played with the freshly created wooden laser cut images and held them to my nose to take in their fired scent. My mind started to swirl with ideas and connections. We learn in education that no teacher is an island, and I could see there was about to be a docking at a shared shore of creativity. The ideas spilled, the hands moved over sweet creations, and delicate but sturdy wooden objects, and you could see this woman had passion...and was a builder, not just an artist. The thing about education is, it is not just about books, it is about creation, it is about making, it is about being able to be an architect for I stood across from her, I realized I had met one---I had met a Kindred. Later, sitting at her table, and the creative clamor that is a home with children I was able to squeeze in the question: how long have you been doing art? She replied with a little bit of a shrug and sigh as she reflected, “always drawing” In college she struggled at first. It was not until she began to mix her love with her craft, that she found that drawing was proving to be a benefit, while lecturing as it helped her with memory. She always had a sketchbook with her and that is where the transition came. I see in this a natural trait, that through inner reflection and self-observation, she was exemplifying natural Montessori habits. She had established a good method of working, and with this discovery she flourished. The teamwork of art and notes is at the heart of every good Montessorian notebook. After college she started working for a nonprofit, this was an art nonprofit. She realized however, that there was no way to go up, there was no way to make your way up the ladder of a non-profit. After a while she did, however, gain more freedom, more presence, and she started a gallery program for kids. During this time, she started to go through gallery by gallery to learn the media of each one. This gave her a huge multi-media approach to creating. When it came to her drawing, she really did not like the way that she was drawing, so she kept at it, she persevered. It took her awhile to find her comfort. This would surface later. As she stepped into motherhood, she started illustrating. “I like the physical object--- I like wood and stacks of things” “Things changed when I could hold my first book in my hand.” I find this true, for myself---as the writer of this interview, the tactile, tangible aspect of holding your creation in your hand, is what makes it fully real. So, what does this artist do to make her work fully tangible? Her favorite equipment of choice? --A Glowforge®. “I have only had my new Glowforge® since about September. When the children started school is when I decided to make the investment in myself the cost was high, but it also has enabled me to become a maker.” Jacqueline also is a homeschooling mother, and this has been one of the hardest parts of being an artist and mom is sure that everybody has the opportunity for expression and to do the things that they need to do. The school is working with her through our Create-A-Course venue, to help her with Montessori Structure and classroom management. Part of the love of this teacher is helping other teachers flourish. This will not be the only collaboration as you can see as you read further down. Jacqueline has an extensive art portfolio on her Instagram at: JackieAnnMayDraws you can check out her work in the link below. Also, as a special treat, some of her work will be highlighted here within Naradahaus Inc. Full Circle Learning and we are working on a full collaboration with her to create Montessori based materials hands-on and tactile materials for all ages and stages of you so from potentially young toddlers all the way up too adults. Even with adult learning---touch facilitates our work, through tactile experience we gain a full connection with what we learn. We are so looking forward to this new collaboration. Please check out our products and connections here with the artist. One of the first for education will be the moveable alphabet, in D’Nealian, Cursive and Block, which will be coming up for sale here shortly you can check out some of her books such as The Big Activity book for Teacher People, and There’s No Manuel, a book for expecting mothers! You can also check out her Red Tent items for women, including some kits for creation and to support your rights and beliefs! We want to thank Jackie and her family for their time today and look forward with full heart to her coming on board with us in this creative collection. Want to join our HIVE? Check out what the buzz is all about here. Beee Wise...Beee Creative....Beee Kind and Beee Powerful, but most especially? Beee yourself! Do you want to become a collaborator with Do you want to be spotlighted? Interested in Women's Studies or Red Tent? Please contact me, I will be calling on a person each week, but don't wait for me to call, be sovereign, share your gift. The world is waiting for a woman! Join us each Week for Coffee and Conversations on our YouTube Channel and here every Wednesday for the Buzz!
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Lynnea A. LuebbenFounder of Red Tent OV and NaradaHaus Inc. Full Circle Learning, Business woman, educator, non-profit leader, artist, poet and mother. Archives
June 2023
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