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- Percussion Instrument, 3 Part Cards, West Africa (Sample)
Percussion Instrument, 3 Part Cards, West Africa (Sample)
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Percussion Instrument, 3 Part Cards, West Africa (Sample)
The heart of music is the drum, literally the heartbeat of what drives music in our souls. We know the cradle of civilization came from Africa, it is the roots, of that great tree, that plants music into our souls.
Enjoy this 3 part card series, that grows with your learner, or you, even adults can benefit from hands-on lessons.
PLUS- TWO Wall Posters, or book shelf pieces for your hands on lessons the meaning of djembe, in Bambara and also in English.
This begins our African musical instrument sections, this and more are used also in our summer camp sessions. We hope you enjoy it.
Print on Cardstock, Cut, Laminate, place on a tray, and let the learning begin:)