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- Montessori Grammar Symbols
Montessori Grammar Symbols
Symbols are used to label sentence structures and help students understand with visual, hands-on methods, how a sentence is put together, watch for more lessons on how to use this with our large word cards.
- Use one for your guide, print on cardstock, laminate
- Use the white ones, to print, and reprint, on cardstock, laminate, and cut out and place into trays for sentence work on a large rug.
Sensorial Writing using Adjectives
Using Mixed traditional and Montessori Methods to break up sentences, and also on how to write descriptive sentences, this small adjective exercise, helps students use their 5 senses to speak about the sample lesson and also several, beautiful landscapes. This is a good lesson for writing, grammar, creativity, or the sensorial art of writing and sentence structure, observation, and more. 13 pages, PDF digital resource. Copy to put in a portfolio, or copy and place on cardstock, laminate, and use them in a teaching resource shelf lesson. Students can write their answers in their language arts or writing notebooks. Perfect for elementary, intermediate, ESL, SPED, or higher depending on the students' needs.