"When we engage the heart and mind, we truly create something worth remembering and that is what education should most definitely be...Memorable."
We strive to focus locally and also work internationally.
By doing this, we provide the best hybrid experiences for those in Virginia.
Because we are an E-Learning institute,
you can take classes or find curriculum, no matter where you are.
By doing this, we provide the best hybrid experiences for those in Virginia.
Because we are an E-Learning institute,
you can take classes or find curriculum, no matter where you are.
NaradaHaus Inc., Full Circle Learning began its maiden voyage as an educational Folk School in Virginia, on October 1st, 2021, and was founded by Lynnea Luebben to become an independent space to bring teaching and teacher's care into the online and in person field. The first and original aspect of this started with Full Circle Learning, part of the Chalice in 1997 and then was later carried forward with projects such as the Ina Maka Project in 2017.
"I founded this educational program as a way to bring my own vision to the art of educational content. I have long believed that we often teach more passionately when it is something that we create. This in turn goes for students--what they create, they are more passionate about.
With Create-a-Course and through initial time with an educator,
we can model a class built just for you."
Also, we believe that being at home sometimes is a good thing.How much of our life is spent in commuting,
traveling to and from and spent trying to bend ourselves to someone else's schedule?
Children need more peace, as well as the adults in their life.
I feel the pandemic gave us a chance to understand
that all models are not perfect models and that we can try new things.
It is good to have many school models as there are many students, each with their own needs and special interests.
"I have been a hybrid online teacher since 2008 and have always known we would need to have both aspects, online and in person, to provide the best in education. Our students and ourselves are living in a very digital world. We can, I believe merge both natural learning, nature, and digital. We are very unique and adaptable people, more so than perhaps we realize until pushed to the test."
"As a Montessori educator with my Masters in Montessori and my bachelors in traditional education, music, science, social studies,
I know there are many ways to reach students. There are many models.
I know that it is the result of many minds and hearts that
carry education ever forward in the most beautiful, peaceful, and necessary ways
that meet the needs of this very diverse century."
"I have been an online ESL teacher for over 5 years. Also, an in person ESL teacher for ten years,
both here in the states and overseas in Germany.
I work with many diverse populations, ethnicities, on the sovereign tribal lands,
charter schools, public and private Montessori schools."
"I knew at age 6 what my joy was, it was to be a teacher."
"I founded this educational program as a way to bring my own vision to the art of educational content. I have long believed that we often teach more passionately when it is something that we create. This in turn goes for students--what they create, they are more passionate about.
With Create-a-Course and through initial time with an educator,
we can model a class built just for you."
Also, we believe that being at home sometimes is a good thing.How much of our life is spent in commuting,
traveling to and from and spent trying to bend ourselves to someone else's schedule?
Children need more peace, as well as the adults in their life.
I feel the pandemic gave us a chance to understand
that all models are not perfect models and that we can try new things.
It is good to have many school models as there are many students, each with their own needs and special interests.
"I have been a hybrid online teacher since 2008 and have always known we would need to have both aspects, online and in person, to provide the best in education. Our students and ourselves are living in a very digital world. We can, I believe merge both natural learning, nature, and digital. We are very unique and adaptable people, more so than perhaps we realize until pushed to the test."
"As a Montessori educator with my Masters in Montessori and my bachelors in traditional education, music, science, social studies,
I know there are many ways to reach students. There are many models.
I know that it is the result of many minds and hearts that
carry education ever forward in the most beautiful, peaceful, and necessary ways
that meet the needs of this very diverse century."
"I have been an online ESL teacher for over 5 years. Also, an in person ESL teacher for ten years,
both here in the states and overseas in Germany.
I work with many diverse populations, ethnicities, on the sovereign tribal lands,
charter schools, public and private Montessori schools."
"I knew at age 6 what my joy was, it was to be a teacher."
"Peaceful Children for a Peaceful World." ~ Maria Montessori - 1870–1952) Italian physician, educator, philosopher, humanitarian.
Educators and architects preserve children's freedom.
Amelia Gambetti. (Villetta School- Reggio Emilia, Italy)If you care for the women and children, you preserve the next seven generations. ~Lakota Proverb
Educators and architects preserve children's freedom.
Amelia Gambetti. (Villetta School- Reggio Emilia, Italy)If you care for the women and children, you preserve the next seven generations. ~Lakota Proverb